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Stay connected with us and receive timely offers.


Welcome my camping friends. We will soon be offering online sales of new caravans.
These can then be ordered directly from us via leasing offers or collected straight away.

What are our goals with Campinglions?
The answer is: "It is and remains our hobby, passion and a goal to make a difference in the camping world, to participate and be part of it.

To convince people who can't imagine a vacation in a form of camping without the urge that it doesn't always have to do with higher costs and effort.
It is also important to us to maintain style and modernity, i.e. our fashion and our story should be strong and leave a ::WOW::: effect.
Because we know that we also want to remember the beautiful days on vacation with our loved ones.

So come in, book or write to us at [email protected].
We will get back to you as soon as possible and answer all your questions.

A little insight into the world of traveling campers

Portugal, Italy, France and Spain. Every European country is gearing up for the coming camping season.

Camping Lions

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Treffpunkt Wohnwagen
Hämmerle Spedition in Hard
Grafenweg 15
6971 Hard


nach Vereinbarung


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